How Can Sex and Intimacy Coaching Help You?

Feeling misunderstood and unsatisfied in your love life? Frustratingly craving for more than what you are getting? Unhappy about the type of sex or quality of intimacy with your beloved? Burdened by too much stress, overthinking, feelings of resentment or shame to feel sexy? Confused about losing passion when love is abundant? I feel ya and have been there too, for a long time!

Whatever it is that has led you to poke around for answers, you’ve taken an important first step – taking your feelings seriously and allowing for curiosity of change to surface. In Buddhism we say that “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear”; similarly, help is available when you move into a state of receptivity and willingness to discover what you don’t know yet and surrender the need to figure it out on your own. Taking on the weight of the world won’t make you feel any sexier, I promise. So, let’s try to make it juicier, shall we?

Humans are relational beings

Our well-being and growth thrive in loving relationships. If we find ourselves struggling or stuck in life, that often indicates we lack connections that provide us with the type of nurturance or guidance we need to evolve. Our first intimate relationship begins in our childhood with our parents, then with our friends, and later with our lovers. Depending on the quality of care and emotional attunement we have received early on in life, we may have adopted insecure attachment patterns and ineffective interpersonal skills that hinder our capacity to grow intimate with others in our adult lives.

Sex is one of the most intimate ways we can show up in a connection, yet it also typically gets the least mentions in direct conversations. It gets even more hushed when it doesn’t go well for us. We lack the language and emotional bandwidth for such vulnerable yet close-to-heart matters to be discussed in relationships. As much as we long for passionate sex and soul-entwining intimacy, our fears of rejection, abandonment, and conflicts cripple us from marching towards our true desires. Balancing the needs of our relationships vs. our authentic selves can be an exhausting and frustrating battle on its own.

An emotionally available and safe coaching relationship will first celebrate your unique erotic desires and expressions, and then help you uncover your unconscious relational patterns, understand their purposes, and develop essential intimacy skills through real-time practices. Confidential and reliable, you get to explore everything that’s blocking you from living your best erotic life in the lovingly accepting container cocreated between you and your coach.

Dedicated to your pleasure-filled goals and growth

Experiences of real intimacy happen when the desire for closeness, care, and openness is transmitted from one body to another, therefore, the felt sense in your body and the relational context where the exchange of emotional or physical contact has happened are keys to learning how to be intimate.

You will learn to develop intimacy skills in real-time with a real person, me! I will hold your hand and walk you through realistic stages of relationship building: from forming attachment to navigating individual differences and setting boundaries. We will have tons of fun exploring your turn-ons and pleasure-map your body, sharing authentic desires and the embodied expressions of your erotic energies. Although pleasure is guaranteed, your coaching sessions can oscillate between comforting nurturance and uneasy challenges since a moderate dose of discomfort is a great catalyst for growth.

Sex & Intimacy Coaching offers real support & results

In a wordy summary, by learning the art of erotic embodiment and relational attunement, and by showing your authentic self in a therapeutic coaching relationship - marked by mutual vulnerability, experiential exercises, and a secure attachment - you will gain powerful intimacy skills to enrich your relationships, unlock your pleasure potential, and step up to a new level of sexual empowerment leading to erotic fulfilment.

Realize your wildest dreams and deepest desires in your intimate relationships

Meet me online or in-person in Vancouver, BC, Canada. Are you ready to get started?


Relationship disappointments led me down a path of sexual empowerment